


Behind the Scenes

Even before I started sculpting the individual pieces, I had a plan for making sure they interlocked. The silhouettes of the bases were worked out well in advance, as was each figure’s footprint to make sure they would fit together with no individual dominating the scene. I was also careful to make sure the individual scale of each hero was correct in relation to the others—so, yes, sorry Iron Man fans, Tony is shorter than Cap, no matter who you rooted for in Civil War. And they’re both shorter than Hulk and Thor, no matter how inconsistent the absentminded Kirby was about maintaining the details of their relative scale to one another. Along the way I decided to make the statement about the piece—front and center—so I worked in the placement of Kirby’s name, not just so you saw it on the pieces when they were joined, but on each individual piece as well.

I didn’t want any doubt as to why I made these, or whom I made them for.

Thank you, Jack. You are and will always be “the King” to your legion of fans. And in my humble opinion, you are comics.

The Avengers

The core Avengers came together in a comic that would have repercussions Jack and Stan may have dreamt of in their wildest reveries, but perhaps didn’t really imagine would ever occur in their lifetimes—namely, that they’d star in a series of blockbusters culminating in the highest grossing film of all time as of the writing of this blurb. And if the industry ends up irrevocably changing so that streaming takes over and going to the movie theater becomes a special events-only limited experience, Avengers: Endgame might wear the all-time crown permanently.

The funny thing is, Disney and Marvel had to rely on these characters to launch their cinematic universe because the latter had sold the rights to their more valuable intellectual properties (not better, mind you—just more valuable…at the time) when they were in more economically-challenged times. So, with no Spider-Man or X-Men to kickstart their movie franchises, they turned to the core Avengers and started building…

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Orlando, FL


(407) 733-6010

Manifest Sculpt Logo topPlease note, all Manifest Sculpt work is completed with traditional sculpting techniques—modelling and carving—rather than through modern digital techniques and programs. Consequently, the resin and bronze castings in this edition were also produced through traditional mold making and manufacturing processes. Final Manifest Sculpt commissions are available in a variety of materials, but they are not 3D printed and are not available as printable files. Copyright Notice: all work, including ideation, concepts, stories and their development, character design and production are the property of Carlos Soca unless otherwise noted, and all rights are reserved. Should you wish to discuss collaboration or licensing of an intellectual property or its design, please contact Manifest Sculpt.