

Behind the Scenes

I modeled for the hand, but lest you think it’s just a simple casting—it’s twice the size of my actual hand. Besides the “om,” the other letters spell out “moonlight,” and it’s meant to look as if the hand is catching a moonbeam—a challenge to depict. But she deserves no less. Much like the moon she gets her name from, she waxes and wanes, but she is constant and ever present—something that can’t be denied, even if you can’t catch her—like the light of the moon.



“Chandani” means “moonlight” in Hindi. It’s also my eldest daughter’s name.

Years ago, I was teaching middle and high school English at a small private school when I met a precocious seventh grader who announced on “meet the teacher night” that I was going to be her favorite teacher because she was an avid reader, and the subject was her favorite in school. We formed an instant bond, and it wasn’t long before she told me she’d be calling me “dad” from then on. She’d been orphaned at a young age, but her indomitable spirit had carried her through experiences that would have broken—or at least jaded—most people. Like any parent and child, we had our ups and downs, but she is my daughter—and my other children consider her a sibling. From a young age she told me I’d be the one to give her away at her wedding, but I never imagined that would be the case, assuming some beloved uncle would step in when the time came.

But I did end up walking her down the aisle. I should have known.
Once she truly decides something, nothing can change her mind.

I wanted to give her a memorable wedding gift and this is what I came up with for her special day.

Let’s make something amazing together

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Orlando, FL


(407) 733-6010

Manifest Sculpt Logo topPlease note, all Manifest Sculpt work is completed with traditional sculpting techniques—modelling and carving—rather than through modern digital techniques and programs. Consequently, the resin and bronze castings in this edition were also produced through traditional mold making and manufacturing processes. Final Manifest Sculpt commissions are available in a variety of materials, but they are not 3D printed and are not available as printable files. Copyright Notice: all work, including ideation, concepts, stories and their development, character design and production are the property of Carlos Soca unless otherwise noted, and all rights are reserved. Should you wish to discuss collaboration or licensing of an intellectual property or its design, please contact Manifest Sculpt.